So last weekend we had LDS General Conference where we sit at the feet of God's Prophets here on earth and get guidance and inspiration from them. There was one announcement that came as a special surprise for the Rocha Family, but it is best told in the following manner:
Saturday Hernan and I planned to visit his parents, show off Keizer, and eat a good old Argentine Asado. Raquel (Hernan's Mom) needed to pick up a few things and so she exited the home for the grocery store shortly before the morning session of Conference began. She was nearly done with her shopping when she received a phone call from Nino (Hernan's Dad). At this point in the story we must remember that cell phones, although a blessing, can be a pain. When Raquel answered the phone all she could hear was the crackle of Nino's sobbing voice...I can only imagine it went something like this..."Raquel **Crackle** van* crackle - sob**constru## crackle - sob**un**crackle*AR**TINA**sob sob sob!!!"
Now Raquel, realizing she can't understand nor communicate with Nino and being the loving wife that she is immediately leaves her cart and rushes to the car and aims for home...not thinking that Nino was injured or in pain, but remembering she had let her beloved dog out when she left and had visions of Nino backing the car over the dog and it lying on the pavement sucking in its last breath. Fearing the worse...Raquel finally gets a clear call with Nino half way home and finds out: the church is going to build a TEMPLE in CORDOBA, ARGENTINA!
With this news Raquel's comment to Nino in regards to the poor quality call was "That's WHY you're SOBBING! I left the grocery store!" and she turns the car around to finish her shopping.
Nino's comment to Raquel was ....wait for it..."Why didn't you pray about why I called???"
I love my family...they are a source of never-ending humor!
But with all jokes aside, we are so happy to know a temple will be built in Cordoba. Hernan's family has to travel by bus roughly 10 hours there and back to partake in the blessings of the Lord's Holy House in Buenos Aires and as a result trips are few and far between. With the perspective of a new temple close by, as demonstrated by Nino, it will be a blessing not fit for words. Family in Argentina said that when President Monson announced it people sprung to their feet, cried out in joy, hugged each other, cried and stood staring at the satellite broadcast with arms in the air. We are so happy for our family there and are grateful they know what the significance of the building means for them and future generations.