Thursday, October 2, 2008


On Sunday 9-21-08, our niece Emily (Hernan's Brother's Daughter) was baptized! We are so proud of her and her decision to become an official member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It's a decision that will bless her life forever. It was a special service with talks given by her Grandma and Grandpa Rocha and a special song sang by Silvina and Gaby, her mom. I am sure she felt loved and supported as there were pushing 30 people there to support her and shower her with love. We were glad we could share the moment with her.

It was also fun to watch the kids interact (as best they could) with Keizer. Emily's sister Kaylee couldn't stop rocking his carseat and checking in on him to make sure he was doing well. He is definently a loved little guy in our family.

1 comment:

Brie said...

Dacia you are so cute....glad the baptism went well. I love the spirit of these new members. Keizer is freakin adorable. I wish I could get taller and only gain > than a pound...whats his secret.